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Life in Kyiv, though subdued, continues on a year after Russia's invasion: Canada's ambassador to Ukraine


A city once filled with promise and momentum, the heart of Kyiv, Ukraine, although subdued, continues to beat, says Canada's Ambassador to Ukraine Larisa Galadza.

"Today, it's still full of life, but it's a subdued life," Galadza said in an interview with CTV News' Paul Workman.

Looking back at the year since Russia's invasion, Galadza says there is still much to be done, though the determination from Ukrainians has never wavered. Particularly during a gruelling winter, she says, as Russian missiles attacked a great portion of Ukraine's energy infrastructure, leaving many without power or heat.

"Ukrainians are not going to go to the negotiating table," she said. "They want to win this militarily because that is in their hands and that gives them the result that they want."

Galadza, who throughout the war has never left Ukraine, says Ukrainians have shown their gratitude not only for Canada's military support but presence on the ground.

"They [Ukrainians] say, 'Thank you for being here and not leaving us alone.' I hear that from everybody and it gives me goosebumps every time," she said.

Canada has committed $1 billion in military aid to support Ukraine, as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau solidified Canada's support for "as long as it takes."

Watch CTV's National News tonight at 10 p.m. ET for more in-depth coverage on the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Top Stories

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