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Federal sports minister Carla Qualtrough announces safe sport commission


Canada's sports minister has announced a national commission to address safe-sport issues, but stopped short of calling a national inquiry.

Carla Qualtrough unveiled a suite of measures, including a Future of Sport in Canada Commission that will hold a summit and produce two reports during its 18-month mandate.

An independent commissioner and two special advisers will head the commission.

Qualtrough was re-appointed sports minister this year eight years after she was first assigned the portfolio in 2015.

The lawyer and visually-impaired former Paralympic swimmer returned to the file amid what her predecessor Pascale St-Onge called a safe-sport crisis.

There have been calls from several sport quarters for a national inquiry.

Among other measures announced were moving the new Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner (OSIC) and its abuse-free program out of the Sports Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada (SDRCC), increasing the capacity of AthletesCan, elevating Sport Canada's athlete advisory committee to a ministerial committee, modernizing Sport Canada's funding framework and developing a sport integrity framework, with policies around match manipulation and safeguarding children.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Dec. 11, 2023.




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