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DeSantis to participate in CNN town hall in New Hampshire

Florida Governor and Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis will participate in a live CNN town hall in New Hampshire on Tuesday, the network announced Friday. Florida Governor and Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis will participate in a live CNN town hall in New Hampshire on Tuesday, the network announced Friday.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis will participate in a live CNN town hall in New Hampshire on Tuesday, the network announced Friday.

DeSantis will take the stage at 9 p.m. EST at New England College in Henniker, N.H. The Florida governor will field questions from CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, who will moderate, and an audience of New Hampshire voters who say they intend to vote in the state’s Republican primary.

The town hall marks the latest in CNN’s series of Republican presidential town halls for the 2024 cycle. It will air a day after Iowa’s pivotal caucuses and a week ahead of New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primary. 

After the Iowa caucuses, DeSantis on Tuesday is set to travel to South Carolina – the home state of presidential rival Nikki Haley – before continuing on to New Hampshire, according to a source familiar with the plans.

DeSantis has battled with Haley, the former South Carolina governor who served almost two years as UN ambassador during the Donald Trump administration, to be the top alternative to the former president, the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination. Top Stories

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