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These are the 5 headlines you should read this morning


The CBC announces job cuts, House Speaker Greg Fergus faces calls to resign, and a prominent Quebec businessman and his partner were found dead in the Caribbean. 

Here's what you need to know to start your day:

1. CBC job cuts: The Canadian Broadcasting Corp. and Radio-Canada will eliminate about 600 jobs and an additional 200 vacancies will go unfilled as it contends with a $125 million budget shortfall.

2. Another speaker controversy: House of Commons Speaker Greg Fergus apologized on Monday for a video message played at the Ontario Liberal Party leadership convention, but two opposition parties are calling for him to resign.

3. Langlois found dead: Four people are in police custody after Quebec businessman Daniel Langlois and his partner Dominique Marchand were found dead in the Caribbean nation of Dominica on Friday.

4. Grocery prices: The top executive at Sobeys said Monday that Canada has one of the most competitive grocery retail sectors on the planet -- even as Canadians continue to feel the bite of higher prices.

5. Prince Harry: A lawyer for Prince Harry is challenging the British government's decision to strip him of his security detail after he gave up his status as a working member of the royal family.

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