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Former NDP leader Ed Broadbent to have state funeral in Ottawa


There will be a state funeral for former NDP leader Ed Broadbent.

Broadbent died on Jan. 11 at the age of 87.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced today that the state funeral will be held in Ottawa on Jan. 28.

Broadbent served as a member of Parliament for more than two decades and led the NDP for 14 years in the 1970s and 1980s.

As NDP leader he faced off against four different prime ministers, including Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney.

Trudeau says the state funeral will provide an opportunity for Canadians to pay tribute to his legacy, which includes leading the NDP to its best electoral results until Jack Layton broke that record in 2011.

State funerals are typically held for current and former governors general and prime ministers and sitting cabinet ministers, but the prime minister can offer one for any eminent Canadian.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Jan. 15, 2024.




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