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N.Y. congressman: PCR tests to be phased out at Canadian border in three steps

Ottawa -

Canada plans to phase out PCR test travel requirements for fully vaccinated travellers in three phases, New York Congressman Brian Higgins told CTV’s Power Play on Thursday.

Higgins met with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Washington on Wednesday. He told Power Play the prime minister said “the policy was still being worked on and we can anticipate an announcement on Friday.”

Higgins said the PCR tests will be phased out in three phases: “Canadians first, Americans, followed by everyone else.”

Evan Solomon asked Transport Minister Omar Alghabra if the PCR tests will be cut on Power Play Thursday.

“We’ve said a few days ago, Evan, that we have been looking at this and, you know, I don’t want to pre-empt an announcement that will be made soon so stayed tuned for that,” he responded.

On Wednesday, CTV News confirmed the federal government will be lifting the PCR test requirement for fully vaccinated travellers returning home after less than 72 hours.

Higgins talks about his meeting with Justin Trudeau in the video at the top of this article. Top Stories

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