As the hearing specialist begins reading out the days of the week, Joanne Milne is overcome with emotion.

It’s was the first time she’d ever heard the human voice.

The incredible moment was captured on a video by her mother, and has since gone viral -- with more than a million views on YouTube since it was published on Thursday.

Milne, 39 of Gateshead, England, was born deaf and suffers from a rare medical condition called Usher Syndrome, which also affects her eyesight. The video was shot after the cochlear implants she had just received were turned on for the first time.

As the hearing specialist says "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday…" Milne puts her face in her hands and begins to cry.

"It’s big, big life-changing day today," the specialist tells Milne. She then asks Milne if she is able to hear her own voice.

"Yes," Milne replies. "It sounds very, very strange."

Then, as the specialist begins saying the months of the year, a huge smile appears on Milne’s face.

"Can you hear those words?" the specialist asks.

"Yes," Milne replies excitedly and loudly.