American pop star Miley Cyrus's famed performance at the MTV Video Music Awards this summer has inspired a slew of booty-shaking twerk-focused workouts around the globe.

London's Gymbox chain just launched a 45-minute Twerk It Out class, billed as "an aerobics-style class with a sexy mix of dynamic dance choreography." Signature twerking moves include the "shake," which involves shaking your rear from side to side, the "wobble," where you rotate your buttocks while thrusting your hips, and the "jiggle," jerking your rear back and forth while in a deep squat, all guaranteed to give you a sculpted, shapely backside.

International creator of famed fitness routines, Les Mills has also been adding twerking moves to its BodyJam dance fitness class, with the response being so positive that the brand is considering officially changing the name to the Twerkout, but some are settling on the BodyJam Twerkout. The 55-minute class claims to burn off 530 calories and a study by Les Mills reportedly shows that twerking improves pelvic bone density, as long as you do it enough.

Why not take it up a notch? Try the Vixen Workout, created by former Miami Heat dancer Janet Jones, where women arrive to class not in old sweatshirts and running shoes but in stilettos, hair down, makeup, and sexy clothes to not only twerk but try moves such as "ridin' round and gettin' it" and "p-poppin' ‘til you perculate."

The point? To feel hot, help women get their sexy back, and entice boyfriends by sending selfies from class, Jones told ABC News.