An Australian sexuality educator has created quite a stink over her suggestion for teaching babies the concept of consent, by asking them for permission before changing their diapers.

Deanne Carson, a sexuality educator with Body Safety Australia, which offers programs on empowering children and protecting them from child abuse, was interviewed on national public broadcaster ABC News earlier this week. During the segment, she explained that she works with newborns’ parents to help them create a “culture of consent” early in life.

Carson used the example of changing a baby’s diaper or “nappy” to illustrate her point.

“‘I’m going to change your nappy now. Is that okay?’” she said as an example of how to pose the question. “Of course, the baby is not going to respond: ‘Yes mom, that’s awesome. I’d love to have my nappy changed.’

“But if you leave a space and wait for body language and wait to make eye contact, then you’re letting that child know that their response matters.”

The educator’s remarks set off a firestorm of debate online with many on social media mocking her ideas and criticizing her credentials. Sky News Australia commentator Rowan Dean labelled Carson’s position as “left lunacy.”

Others, however, leapt to her defence and said her intentions were good even if the example she used wasn’t.

In response to the backlash she received online, Carson fired back in a Facebook post that has since been deleted.

“Sadly, some people have chosen to ridicule me (oh no! Pink hair! Must be a lesbian!) and the notion of giving infants bodily autonomy (poo in nappies har har amiright?!)" she wrote. “The work we do with children, teachers and parents is international best practice in abuse prevention… Troll me all you want, add to your blog inches, but remember that when you do, you are negating the voices of these brave survivors of sexual abuse."