Pop star Justin Bieber apparently doesn't always like the sound of screaming girls at his concerts.

Bieber lost his patience in a bizarre moment on stage Sunday in Manchester, when he tossed the microphone away and walked off amid boos from his fans.

The booing started after he asked fans to stop screaming. "I appreciate all the support, I appreciate the love… but the screaming in these breaks has got to stop, please and thank you," he said to fans in footage uploaded to YouTube. "I don't think it's necessary when I'm trying to say something and you guys are screaming."

But the audience would not be silenced, and a frustrated Bieber eventually gave up and stormed off stage. He later returned to the stage to finish the concert, and explained that his actions were a response to people not respecting him.

"My point of the no-screaming thing is so that when I'm looking at you in the eyes you can actually know that we're having a moment," Bieber told the crowd when he returned. "I travelled across the whole world to come here and I dedicate my life to performing and bringing smiles to people's faces." He added that "it hurts a little bit" to feel disrespected by the crowd, and he vowed to stop talking and stick to singing through the evening. "Obviously Manchester just can't handle it," he said.

The 22-year-old has shown himself to have a thin skin at concerts in the past. He called out a fan by sarcastically offering up his microphone at a Manchester performance last week. And in Birmingham, he called fans' screams "obnoxious."

Last October, he ended a concert after one song because someone tossed a water bottle on stage.

The native of Stratford, Ont., is in the middle of a tour through the U.K.

With files from The Canadian Press