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These are the 5 headlines you should read this morning


The Conservatives launch an overnight marathon voting session, two men are charged in the death of a Quebecer and his partner in Dominica and five people are dead in a salmonella outbreak involving cantaloupes. Here's what you need to know to start your day.

1. Parliament: Pierre Poilievre's Conservatives launched an overnight marathon voting session in the House of Commons after threatening to delay the government's agenda over their opposition to the carbon tax.

2. Dominica: Two men have been charged in the death of Quebec-born film entrepreneur Daniel Langlois and his partner in the Caribbean nation.

3. Israel-Hamas: Desperate Palestinians fleeing Israel's expanding ground offensive crowded into an ever-shrinking area of the Gaza Strip as the Israel-Hamas war entered its third month Friday.

4. Russian election: Vladimir Putin will seek another presidential term, extending his rule of over two decades.

5. Salmonella: Five people have died in an outbreak linked to Malichita and Rudy brand cantaloupes sold in six provinces.

One more thing…

80-kilometre-wide asteroid to produce one-of-a-kind eclipse visible from Earth

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