Lost money betting the Royal Baby would be a girl? Chances are you’re not alone.

Bookies had the odds at five to one that the royal baby would be a girl. Insiders pointed to a slip by the Duchess who was accepting a gift and said it would be great for her “daugh … baby.”

Royal Baby gamblers got a surprise when the birth was announced: an 8-pound, 6-ounce baby boy.

Alex Donohue, spokesman for the British gambling site Ladbrokes, said that within the hour of the announcement the Duchess was going into labour, 50,000 bets were placed, simply because people wanted to “get involved.”

"Never underestimate the British public's obsession with the royal family," Donohue said. "This is such a big story. And besides, it's summer. The weather is good.”

Whether you want to “get involved,” or just have a chance to get some of your money back, there’s still plenty of Royal Baby bets and side-bets to be had.

For example; if you think that the Duke and Duchess will follow the lead of Kim Kardashian and Kayne West and name their child ‘North’ you can bet on that.

The odds are against you at 500,000 to one, but hey, you never know.

Or maybe you believe that the newborn third-in-line to the British throne is destined to captain famed soccer team Manchester United and play in the Premier League. Odds are not great at 1,000 to one, but hey, you never know.

While the name seems to be the bet that’s piqued the most interest -- with George, James and Alexander on top of the list -- there’s a myriad of bets and side-bets to be made.

  • What year will William and Kate have their second child?
  • Which university will the child go to? (Unloved Glasgow University is at an unlikely 5,000 to one).
  • Bets have been waged on hair colour, eye colour, and weight. It’s still 700 to one for red hair.

And according to bookies it’s 10,000 to one that the newborn prince will take up acting and appear on the sci-fi television show Dr. Who. It’s the same odds he’ll end up on Britain’s Got Talent.

All of this Royal Fever has many scratching their heads, peering into some fictional crystal ball, wondering what’s next for the little prince?

Bookies say there’s a 250 to one chance that OK! Magazine and 500 to one that Vogue will be the first to publish the baby pictures.

Either way it’s a good bet the prince’s parents will be smiling and bookies will make off with a king’s ransom.