TOKYO -- The ghostwriter of famous musical scores credited to Mamoru Samuragochi says he saw no evidence the deaf Japanese composer was unable to hear.

Samuragochi has been lauded as Japan's Beethoven for composing music despite a severe hearing impairment. But he admitted Wednesday that he did not write "Hiroshima Symphony" and other works credited to him.

Ghostwriter Takashi Niigaki said Thursday that he worked with Samuragochi for 18 years but got fed up and refused last year to continue the collaboration. Niigaki said he hopes to continue composing and performing despite the uproar.

Japanese media reported that Olympic figure skater Daisuke Takahashi will use the Samuragochi arrangement "Sonatina for Violin" for his short program at the Sochi Olympics despite the disclosure that it was actually composed by Niigaki.