Ringo Starr gave his drum kit to a teenage brain cancer survivor.

The former Beatles star met with 17-year-old Alexx Kipp -- who also suffers from Tourette's Syndrome -- at the Los Angeles' Hard Rock Cafe as part of a new partnership between the restaurant chain and the Make-A-Wish Foundation last week and gave Alexx a black and white set of Ludwig drums, before playing on the kit with him.

Alexx - who has been playing drums since he was eight -- had wanted to meet Ringo for several years, and last year his family approached the charity to try and grant him his wish.

His father Charles Kipp said: "Alexx came to me one morning and he said, 'Dad, I had a dream last night and I met Ringo.'

"This was before we knew it was going to happen. About a week later we got the call. I told him, 'It looks like your dream came true.'"

Alexx's next goal is to learn the Beatles hit 'I Am The Walrus' and he was given some advice by Ringo.

According to the Los Angeles Times newspaper, Ringo told him: "I get the easy bit. I come, I say hi, we hang out, we have a bit of fun.

"In the band I was in, we knew when we'd done the take, because it just feels good. It's like golf: When you hit that ball right, you know. You feel it - you feel the connection. And connecting is good."

The musical legend also spoke about his ongoing involvement with the Make-A-Wish Foundation - who accept requests from children with life-threatening illnesses and try and make them happen - admitting it gives him a different perspective on life.

He said: "It's huge. It puts you in your place. You think you've got a cold - you're all, 'Oh, what about me?' Then you help these kids. You think of the families. I've got children too, and it's got to be hard."

Ringo has designed a T-shirt which will be sold throughout Hard Rock International locations, with proceeds benefiting his Lotus Foundation, which directly supports Make-A-Wish.