Rihanna says her brief romance with rapper Drake didn't work out because she was still getting over her split from Chris Brown.

The 'Only Girl (In the World)' singer dated the Canadian hip-hop star for a short time in 2009 after meeting him in May of that year, but she admits she was too fragile emotionally after being assaulted by her ex-lover Chris just a few months earlier to get involved in a serious relationship.

She told MTV News: "I definitely was attracted to Drake, but I think it is what it is - it was what it was . We didn't want to take it any further.

"It was at a really fragile time in my life, so I just didn't want to get too serious with anything or anyone at that time."

Although the romance didn't go anywhere, the pair have teamed up for new single 'What's My Name?', which sees them both appear in the song's racy video together.

Rihanna - who is now dating baseball player Matt Kemp - was left battered and bruised by Chris after he attacked her in his car repeatedly punching her as the pair were travelling to a pre-Grammys party.

The 'Run It!' singer agreed a plea bargain after being charged with felony assault in relation to the incident and was sentenced to 80 hours of community labour, five years probation and was told he would have to attend a 12-month domestic violence counselling programme.