Ever since concern for the use of weed killers became prevalent people have asked me how to control common lawn weeds like dandelions and plantain. The answer that I usually give is to compete them out of existence by overseeding with fresh quality grass seed and to cut your lawn 2 1/2 to 3 inches (6 to8 cm) high.

Now we can kill weeds with the first biological weed killer registered with the Federal Government. It is called Sarritor.

Unlike 2,4D this weed killer works best when temperatures are cool (below 22 degrees C) and when it is raining or the ground is damp. The granules are applied straight from the bottle onto the weed. Results usually occur within 2 to 3 weeks. Sarritor is a naturally occurring fungus that dies after the weed dies. It is harmless to children, pets and the environment.

It is sold from a refridgerator at your local garden retailer and must remain cool before you apply it.

Go to http://www.greenearth.ca/products/product_e.php?category=102

 Or www.markcullen.com
