With Earth Hour coming up on Saturday, there's no better time to consider how your travelling impacts the Earth. Take our quiz and find out whether or not you're a "responsible traveller."

1) To limit your carbon footprint on flights, you should:

  • a) do not fly at night
  • b) take a direct route and bring minimal baggage
  • c) when you fly there is nothing you can do to reduce your CO2
  • d) all of the above 

Answer: d)  When you fly, lighten your load. Each 15 lbs of luggage on an 8,000 km flight adds up to 50 pounds of Co2. Go nonstop -- takeoffs and landings burn more fuel than the flight. Avoid the overnight or red-eye flights -- the warming effect of emissions are twice as pronounced at night.

2) When buying fabrics at a market in Marrakesh, should you bargain?

  • a) Yes, push for the absolute lowest price, to prevent vendors from inflating costs for future tourists.
  • b) Yes, engage in friendly haggling but come to a fair price – even if it is slightly higher than what a local would pay.
  • c) No, accept the "tourist" rate – the extra money will help the local economy.

Answer: b) Vendors are used to tourists on the hunt for bargains, but there's a limit. Pay what you think something is worth to you. Yelling won't get you far and is frowned upon especially in South America and Asia. Counter with half of what they are asking.

3) If you want to be responsible, you should be staying at a small local hotel:

  • True or False?

Answer: False. Don't assume that because a hotel is locally owned that its greener or treats its employees better than one owned by a multinational hotel group.

4) You want to hike the Inca Trail, You should:

  • a) Carry your bags yourself, because its demeaning to hire porters
  • b) Not go, because the porters are exploited and the trail is overrun with tourists
  • c) Pick a responsible outfitter that compensates its staff appropriately

Answer: c) The best way to help porters is to work with an ethical tour operator, which ensures everyone's safety. Check that the company pays the guide fair wages, provides medical care on the trail and provides them with appropriate shelter.

5) A child on the streets of Mumbai asks you for change. You should:

  • a) offer him half of your lunch, because you don't know how he will spend the money you give him.
  • b) Hand him a couple of coins – and some candy
  • c) Say no, walk away, and donate to a local charity instead.

Answer: c) While it is hard to refuse giving a child money, there are consequences. By handing them cash, food or candy you are encouraging them to depend on tourists, and not be in school (if that's an option). Instead donate to a reputable local charity or bring supplies to give to a local school.

6) You're going to Costa Rica and want to stay in a hotel with responsible environmental practices, you should choose:

  • a) A local boutique property
  • b) The newest hotel, because it will be the most energy efficient
  • c) A hotel that advertises its eco-credits, such as solar panels and hydroelectricity
  • d) None, until you have contacted the properties personally and asked about their green initiatives.

Answer: d) Call the property beforehand and ask for the concierge or front desk. If the hotel is serious about its efforts, the employees should know about it. Ask if they hire locals, pay fair wages, source food locally and implement favourable environmentaly programs.

7) Is it wrong to travel to a country with a poor human rights record, such as Burma?

  • a) No, boycotting such a nation will deprive it of exposure to more humane and democratic ideals
  • b) It depends on how you travel and where you spend your money
  • c) Yes, you would be supporting an oppressive regime with your vacation spending.

Answer: b) Some of your money will inevitably end up in government coffers but choosing a responsible tour operator is one way to make sure your dollars flow in the right direction. Ask your tour operator specficially about its compliance with fair trade principles, which guarantees a significant and fair portion of proceeds return to the country's people.

8) You are signing up with a tour operator to visit Easter Island. You should:

  • a) Travel in the off-season to avoid over crowding natural sites and depleting local resources
  • b) Ask if they employ local guides
  • c) Ask what is the company doing to minimize the group's impact on the environment
  • d) Choose tour operators that emphasize hiking, cycling and paddling over driving and flying.
  • e) all of the above

Answer: e) All of the above

9) You are planning a road trip to the Maritimes, you should consider the following:

  • a) Using public transit during your stops where possible
  • b) Eating in locally owned restaurants and eating local, seasonal foods
  • c) Leaving excess packaging at home where it can be recycled.
  • d) Carrying snacks and drinks in re-usuable containers to reduce the amount of trash
  • e) All of the above

Answer: e) Remember – it's all about the little choices and deicisions.

10) You are a camper and therefore "very responsible". Do you:

  • a) carry out all litter
  • b) Wear t-shirts, not sunscreen when swimming to ensure the chemicals don't go into the local water systems
  • c) Respect wildlife.
  • d) All of the above

Answer: d) All these things may be obvious, but it is amazing how many people abuse the nature.

11) Most hotels automatically:

  • a) Have a towel recycling program
  • b) Have a recycling program
  • c) Donate leftover food to local charities/re-use in the staff cafeteria
  • d) Have the lights turn off automatically when you leave the room
  • e) Locally source construction materials, food and linens

True or False?

Answer: False. Don't assume hotels are automatically doing anything. Ask questions.

How did you do?

  • 9 to 11 correct answers: Congratulations! You are a ‘Super Responsible Traveller'
  • 5 to 8 correct answers: Nice work, you're a ‘Responsible Traveller'
  • 3 to 5 correct answers: You're on the right track but you can definitely step up your efforts
  • 0 to 2 correct answers: Uh oh… let this be your inspiration to become a more responsible traveller!

Loren Christie appears regularly on Canada AM. If you have a travel question, email us at traveltips@ctv.ca.