Even though the latest installment in the Star Wars franchise is titled “The Last Jedi,” there may be another one in the making, in the form of a young martial arts champion from Woodbridge, Ont.

Savino Quatela, 8, has lit up the martial arts world, and the internet too, with his lightning-fast technique and skilled handling of the bo staff. He placed second in multiple world tournaments over the past year and has attracted fans all over the world when a video of him performing was uploaded online and garnered more than 20 million views.

An avid Star Wars fan, Quatela credits the villain Darth Maul in “Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace” as early inspiration for some of his moves.

“My favourite character is Darth Maul because he does tricks and it’s kind of like the bo staff with his two light sabers,” he told CTV’s Your Morning host Anne-Marie Mediwake on Friday.

Quatela has already achieved his first-degree black belt and trains two hours a week with multiple instructors, including Master Emerson Wong from Pulse Martial Arts Academy in Woodbridge, as well as his team Competitive Edge. He also enjoys sparring at home with his 10-year-old brother, who also competes.

On Friday, the young viral sensation took some time to teach Mediwake, a martial arts newbie, a few beginner moves. Watch the video to see how she fared.