J.K. Rowling, the author of the 'Harry Potter' series, has penned a personal note to a teenager who suffered a tragic shooting incident that killed her entire family.

Authorities in Texas allege that Cassidy Stay was shot in the head by her aunt's ex-husband, Ronald Lee Haskell.

According to police, Haskell arrived at their Texas home and demanded to see his former wife. When the family refused to tell him where their relative was, Haskell allegedly shot them.

The brave 15-year-old student managed to survive the brutal attack by playing dead. Sadly, Cassidy's mother, father and her four siblings did not survive the shooting.

At a memorial service for her loved ones, Cassidy quoted a line from J.K. Rowling's novel, 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban'.

She said: "[Albus] Dumbledore says, 'Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light'.

"I know that my mum, dad, Bryan, Emily, Becca and Zach are in a much better place and that I'll be able to see them again one day. Stay strong."

Soon after, a Facebook campaign was set up to organize a meeting between Cassidy and her literature idol.

According to The Times newspaper, the teen has since received a package from the writer, including a wand, a signed book and a letter "hand written by Dumbledore".

On the official Facebook page for Cassidy, one friend added: "This afternoon, I talked to a friend of Cassidy's who confirmed that J.K. Rowling did, in fact, write her a personalised letter."

Haskell has since been charged with capital murder in connection to the killings.