ST. JOHN'S, N.L. -- The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary says it will not send a uniformed group of officers to walk in this year's Pride parade in St. John's at the request of event organizers.

In Facebook post on Saturday, the force said it would not be marching in uniform as they had in previous parades, but would play a "less visible" role offering traffic support next Sunday.

The St. John's Pride committee says saying anyone is welcome to participate in the parade, but it would prefer police only attend while off-duty to make the event "more accessible to all."

Pride organizers said the RNC asked if officers could join the procession with members of the RCMP, as well as the RNC mounted unit and a traffic unit that would be on patrol during the parade.

They asked police to show their support in civilian garb, but encouraged officers to represent their unit with T-shirts or banners.

St. John's Pride Week begins on Monday.