Queen Elizabeth II celebrated the 60th anniversary of her Coronation on Sunday -- a significant milestone in the monarch's royal career that, according to at least one Canadian commentator, has been marked by dignity and grace.

The 87-year-old monarch has been the "face of service," dedication and volunteerism during her six-decade reign, royal commentator Bonnie Brownlee told CTV's News Channel on Sunday.

And, Brownlee said, "she has maintained an era of correctness and properness" while managing the Royal family and Buckingham Palace.

Sunday's Coronation anniversary is being staged with far less pomp and circumstance compared to last year's Diamond Jubilee, with commemorations focused on the Queen's return on Tuesday to Westminster Abbey, where she was first crowned in 1953.

She will be joined by 2,000 guests, including Canada's High Commissioner Gordon Campbell.

"All the Royal family will be there, including William and Kate, so everyone will be checking out to see how she looks," Brownlee said.

The Duchess of Cambridge has been the focus of much media attention since Royal officials announced the 31-year-old is expecting her first child. That level of hyper-media attention is something the queen is no stranger to.

In 1953, as the then 27-year-old monarch made her way to Westminster Abbey to be crowned, more than 20 million people around the world watched the televised event, Brownlee said, which was the first televised Coronation.

"It delivered a sense that it was quite regal and it was quite grand."

According to Brownlee, there was an uptick in television sales due to the Coronation, which took place 16 months after the Queen acceded to the throne after her father's surprise death.

Though King George VI passed away in February 1952, a lengthy mourning period was observed before the Queen was crowned.

Tuesday's event will also be attended by a number of other dignitaries and royal guests, including the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry.

It will kick-off a string of other Coronation events to be held over the next few weeks. In July, a four-day Coronation Festival is being held in Buckingham Palace's garden. The event will showcase more than 200 of the brands which have been used by the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh and the Prince of Wales.