OTTAWA - Two major unions are demanding that governments adopt a "Buy Canadian" policy to save jobs.

The Canadian Auto Workers and the United Steel Workers say tax dollars spent on infrastructure projects should go to Canadian workers.

The call comes after the federal government lobbied hard against efforts in Washington to attach a "Buy American" policy to a multibillion-dollar bailout program.

"At a time when our governments are poised to spend billions on much-needed infrastructure, we are calling on all levels of government to immediately enact comprehensive `Buy Canadian' policies to keep our tax dollars at home," said CAW president Ken Lewenza.

Ken Neumann, national director of the steelworkers union, said Prime Minister Stephen Harper should raise the matter next week when U.S. President Barack Obama visits Ottawa.

"This is not about protectionism," said Neumann.

It was a puzzling message, given that both union leaders stressed how deeply integrated their respective sectors are with the U.S. economy.

Neumann noted that Canada's steel industry is exempt from the very "Buy American" policy that he lauds and said his international union is working to keep it that way.

He said the "synergies" between the two countries make it an opportune time to institute a "Buy Canadian" policy.

Added Lewenza: "The reality is we're in a global financial crisis. Canada needs the United States, a very important trading partner, but the United States also needs Canada. It's a very important trading partner. So in the sectors that we represent, obviously there's an integration that's incredibly necessary."