VATICAN CITY -- The UN chief praised Pope Francis on Tuesday for framing climate change as an urgent moral imperative, saying his upcoming encyclical combined with a new round of UN climate talks in Paris provide an "unprecedented opportunity" to create a more sustainable future for the planet.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon opened a Vatican conference on the environment that is a key part of the Holy See's rollout of Francis' eagerly awaited encyclical -- a pope's most authoritative teaching document -- which is expected in June.

Ban told Vatican officials and faith leaders from several different traditions that there is large consensus between religious leaders and scientists that climate change is real, that humans must change their behaviour to stop it and that "protecting our environment is an urgent moral imperative and sacred duty for all people of faith and conscience."

Even though the encyclical is still weeks from publication, conservatives in the U.S. have criticized Francis for using the document to delve into global warming, accusing him of adopting a radical green agenda that a religious leader has no business doing.

Ban disagreed.

"I don't think religious leaders should be scientists. I'm not a scientist either," he told reporters. "But what is clear, what is important is ... to mobilize the will of the people and to lead the people."

Vatican officials have argued that protecting the planet is a duty of all of humanity, and Francis himself has said he hopes the encyclical will help influence the climate change talks in Paris in December. Francis will have a chance to press his environmental message during his visit to the U.S. in September, where he will address Congress and a UN summit in New York on the UN's new sustainable development goals.

"I'm sure this encyclical will have a profound impact on the discussion of climate change," Ban said.