Dust off your binoculars because Jupiter's moons will be visible from your house next week.

On June 12, the gas giant and Earth will be at their closest point during their orbits around the sun.

People should be able to see the largest planet in the solar system even if they’re living in the city, where the city lights can obstruct the view of celestial objects. People who have a pair of binoculars will be able to make out several of Jupiter’s moons.

And with a small telescope, people will be able to make out the largest planet’s banded clouds. Jupiter’s giant -- but shrinking -- red spot will also be visible if people can get their hands on a stronger telescope.

Jupiter will be 641 million km away from Earth.

NASA’s Juno spacecraft is currently orbiting the gas giant and has been beaming striking photographs back to Earth.

If seeing Jupiter wasn’t enough, on June 17 and 18, you’ll be able to see Mars and Mercury appear next to each other during sunsets.

You’ll be able to see this the best if you have an unobstructed view of the western horizon.