"Cowboys and Aliens" actress Olivia Wilde admits she's a "little wobbly" following her divorce.

She split from her husband, Tao Ruspoli, in February after eight years of marriage. And while she admits it was the right thing to do, she says it's been a tough time.

The 27-year-old beauty told America's Marie Claire magazine: "The trauma of the divorce has been humbling. And for the first time, I'm a little wobbly. I'm a case of arrested development, in a way - from spending your 20s with someone who really loves to take care of you, as my husband did.

"But I think it's very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person."

While she still considers Ruspoli a friend, Wilde says it was clear for some time the marriage was going to fail.

She said: "When the relationship becomes about working to make it work, it's lost that beauty and that optimistic bohemian sense that brought us together

"I kept saying, 'I failed!' Admitting that I'm not perfect was a wonderful thing that came out of this," she said. "There's this fear that everyone is going to be disappointed in you, but I'm human. I don't live up to any sort of ideal.

"Even though it didn't work, there's nothing I regret about any of it."