MONTREAL -- Hugh Jackman is known for flexing his claws as comic-book tough guy Wolverine in the movies but it's his $10,000 donation that has made him a superhero to the Montreal Children's Hospital Foundation.

Kim Fraser, a spokeswoman for the hospital foundation, says the Australian star and his wife made an online donation to the hospital on Tuesday on behalf of the cast and crew of "X-Men: Days of Future Past."

The film, which is the latest entry into the popular franchise based on the Marvel Comics characters, is currently being shot in Montreal.

Jackman reprises his role as the mutant super-hero Wolverine in the "X-Men." He's also known for his theatre work and was also nominated for a best actor Oscar this year for his performance in the latest film version "Les Miserables." He lost to Daniel Day-Lewis.

The foundation only noticed the donation when Jackman's wife had a problem entering it on the hospital website.

Fraser said in a telephone interview Wednesday the computer program interpreted the donation originally as $10.

It didn't recognize the comma inserted into the large denomination and read it as a period.

Fraser said Jackman's wife called the foundation and was helped to complete the donation.

"We're absolutely thrilled," Fraser said, noting that Jackman is known for philanthropic gestures elsewhere. "It's so generous. It came out of the blue."

Fraser pointed out that the money would meet a number of needs for the hospital, which will decide where the money is used.

"We're super happy and it's really cool."

The hospital wasn't the only place to benefit from Jackman's largesse.

He also stopped by a Montreal pie shop TA Pies and bought a bunch of their authentic Australian pies for the cast and crew of the movie. Jackman then tweeted an instagram pic with the owners and called their product "the best meat pies in the world."