Police in Winnipeg are investigating after a 12-year-old hockey player’s wrist was broken when a referee tried to break up a fight at a youth tournament Sunday.

Video of the incident, posted to YouTube, shows a ref leading players back to their benches after a small fight broke out on the ice at the Southeast Aboriginal Tournament. As the players skate back, one of the players uses his stick to slash another across the legs.

As the two players begin to fight, the ref quickly moves in to break it up, grabs the player who made the slash, but falls, catching the player under him on the ice.

A coach then runs onto the ice and begin to attack the referee. Other refs and coaches then rush over and scuffle for several seconds.

Fans can be heard cursing and hurling abuse, mostly at the ref, who eventually skates off the rink, tossing his helmet onto the ice as he goes.

Coach Stephanie Tardiff tells CTV News her player’s wrist was fractured and he’ll need a cast for two weeks. She said the incident devolved quickly.

“The cops were called, and the ambulance was called,” she said. “My player was taken to the Children’s Hospital on a stretcher with a neck brace on.”

Tournament organizer Joe Malcolm said it was the first time such an incident had taken place at the tournament. He said he is disappointed and is working with police to determine what transpired.

The YouTube video appears below. WARNING: Contains graphic language