MONTERREY, Mexico -- A 15-year-old in Mexico who shot a teacher and two fellow students in the head before killing himself had told some classmates he was going to bring a gun to school the next day, an official said Thursday.

State security spokesman Aldo Fasci said the boy's classmates didn't believe him and apparently did not report it.

"He didn't tell them he was going to shoot it," Fasci said, adding that no action is planned against the classmates for not reporting his comments.

Fasci said the gun belonged to the shooter's father. He said the boy appeared to handle the pistol with some expertise because he and his father were avid hunters.

"He was a fan of hunting, and that is why he was skilled in handling guns," he said.

A surveillance-camera video of the shooting that was leaked and posted on social media sites showed the boy squeezing off shots in quick succession with apparently good aim. One shot the boy missed is the first shot to his own head. He reloaded the gun and then succeeded in shooting himself in the head.

Fasci said investigations are underway to see who leaked the video. He said initial investigations suggested it wasn't the first police to arrive on the scene.

Authorities have discounted initial reports that the boy might have threatened to carry out the shooting on internet sites.

Mexico's first major school shooting shocked the country. President Enrique Pena Nieto said in a televised address late Wednesday that the nation should reflect on the issue.

"These are incomprehensible acts that shake our hearts and require us to engage in reflection," Pena Nieto said.

Fasci said the shooter was declared dead and his family has decided to donate his organs.

The three victims with head wounds remain in very serious condition. A fourth victim shot in the arm has been released from a hospital.