CALGARY - An Alberta judge has overturned the controversial Tory acclamation of Calgary MP Rob Anders and ordered a new nomination meeting.

Court of Queen's Bench Justice Jed Hawco issued a court order instructing the Conservative Party of Canada to restart the nomination process in Calgary West.

Eleven disgruntled Tories have been fighting Anders' unchallenged nomination since last summer, claiming the party did not widely advertise important dates or adequately search for qualified candidates.

Robert Hawkes, lawyer for the anti-Anders group, says the ruling is a "good thing'' for all Conservative party members.

But because of a potentially imminent federal election, it's unclear whether there will be enough time for the Calgary constituency to hold another 30-day nomination process.

Anders has won the Calgary seat four times in a row -- each with large majorities -- but his time in office has been dogged by controversy. He once made headlines by dismissing former South African president Nelson Mandela as a terrorist and a communist.