Imagine what Anne Frank, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Yitzhak Rabin could have achieved if their lives had not been cut short.

That is the premise of a new video by the U.S. Anti-Defamation League to mark the group's centennial.

The 80-second video features a montage of headlines that might have been -- had it not been for violence driven by bigotry, hatred and prejudice.

Frank might have become a Nobel Prize-winning novelist. King could have become a champion for immigration reform, while Rabin could have brought about lasting Israeli-Palestinian peace.

Set to John Lennon's "Imagine," the clip also features Harvey Milk, the first openly gay U.S. politician; Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl; James Byrd, who was dragged to his death by white supremacists; and murdered gay student Matthew Shepard.

The video, called "Imagine a World Without Hate," has over 25,000 views on YouTube as of Thursday night. It was the top story worldwide on NewsWhip -- a site tracking the fastest-spreading stories on social media. And it has sparked a flurry of comments on Twitter.

One Twitter user called it, "An unbelievably moving video about ending bigotry."