JAKARTA, Indonesia - The trial for the top suspect in the 2002 Bali bombings, a Muslim militant known as "Demolition Man" for his expertise with explosives, began Monday in Indonesia's capital.

Umar Patek is being tried for his role in the Bali nightclub bombings and other alleged acts of terrorism following a nine-year flight from justice that took him from Indonesia to the Philippines to Pakistan, allegedly in pursuit of more terror opportunities. He was captured in January 2011 in the same Pakistani town where U.S. Navy Seals would kill Osama bin Laden just a few months later.

He is accused of making the explosives used in the Bali blasts, which killed 202 people, mostly foreign tourists.

Patek, who was tightly guarded as he entered the West Jakarta District Court on Monday, smiled to reporters and photographers but did not respond to questions shouted by journalists.

Wearing a white robe and a white skullcap, Patek, 45, sat quietly as the indictment was read out loud by state prosecutors, led by Bambang Suharijadi.

Patek, whose real name is Hisyam Bin Alizein and who has several aliases, could face death by firing squad if convicted of various terror-related charges and premeditated murder.