HALIFAX - An NBA star who seeks out culinary delights has weighed in on the guilty pleasure that one city councillor has declared should be the official food of Halifax.

Matt Bonner of the San Antonio Spurs was playing his role as the "Sandwich Hunter" on the NBA website when he came into contact with the donair.

The sweet, meat-lovers treat is closely related to the Greek gyro, and has recently prompted Linda Mosher to suggest to the city council it be awarded special status.

Bonner says in the video that the donair from a restaurant on the city's Pizza Corner is "wicked good."

He exclaimed "Oh my goodness!" as he bit into the donair and gives the person who made it a high five.

The former Toronto Raptor was less enthusiastic about a lobster roll he purchased in the city, saying it had less flesh in it than the New England version.