In need of a mid-afternoon nap? You're in luck, because there's now a "Google Naps" program designed to help you find the perfect spot to take a rest wherever you are in the world.

"Google Naps" is a parody of the popular "Google Maps" program, created by Dutch creative agencies Venour and Kakhiel.

Like the real Google tool, "Google Naps" allows users to plot out specific locations on interactive online maps. However all the points in "Google Naps" are plotted with the aim of helping people catch some much needed shut-eye.

Users looking to take a break enter their location into the web-based program, which is available on computers, smartphones and tablets. The program in turn supplies them with a map of nearby napping spots, including park benches, grassy fields and parks.

In order to avoid any legal issues, the map's creators issued a cheeky note addressed to Google's founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

"Hello, please don't be mad this is just a joke, a parody. We don't mean to damage your brand or anything, we just want to bring a smile on the faces of Google fans," reads the note. "So please don't take this to court, we only have a few hundred Euros in the bank. And we also don't want to go to jail because we're too busy with other things at the moment."

The plotted points are crowdsourced so the suggested napping locations run the gamut from helpful to completely impractical.

In the Toronto area, one user suggests stretching out on a couch on the second-floor of a library at the University of Toronto. "Great location for a warm nap," user Daniel Pascucci suggests.

In Montreal, a user going by the name "Alex," suggests a bench in Westmount Park. "Close to the office, far from your worries," reads the description of the napping spot.

One user plots out Hyams Beach in New South Wales, Australia. "Snooze on the whitest sand in the world (Guinness Book of World Records says so!" reads the description.

However, there are also many plotted points that are not practical, including several in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, as well as Antarctica.

This isn't the first time Internet users have found creative ways to use “Google Maps.” Past projects have used the program to track flu trends, polar bears in Churchill, Man., and hipster hangouts in major cities.