Rihanna is sick of talking about Chris Brown.

The 'Russian Roulette' hitmaker - who was assaulted by her then-boyfriend in February 2009 - thinks constant questions about the incident make her look "bitter, pitiful, spiteful and angry" and admits she gets annoyed when the subject is raised.

Responding to a fan urging her to stop talking about her former lover, she tweeted: "AGREED! People won't stop askin abt it! Its f**kin annoying! Nobody wants to relive that, but some ppl can't respect that!

"I get it, they wanna raise awareness to young girls! But it ends up just makin me look bitter, pitiful, spiteful and angry! (sic)".

Meanwhile, the 22-year-old beauty has admitted she thinks people often mistakenly view her as "tough and aggressive", though she acknowledges the fact she doesn't always like to show her vulnerable side to other people.

Speaking to Kanye West in the December edition of Interview magazine, she said: "Yes, I do have a vulnerable side. I think a lot of people have a misperception of me. They only see the tough, defensive, aggressive side. But every woman is vulnerable. They have vulnerability.

"So of course I'm going to have that side. It's not a major part of who I am, but it's definitely there.

"I just don't like people to see me cry - I don't like to let them know when I'm bothered. You know? I just prefer it to be all about business, and then whatever I'm dealing with, let me deal with that alone, because I don't want it to affect anything in my professional life."