More than 600 restaurants are charging customers for tap water this week in the hope that they can help those who don't have the luxury of clean water.

UNICEF Canada and five major restaurant chains launched the week-long Tap Project campaign to mark World Water Day March 22.

The aim is to help deliver safe drinking water to children around the world.

"Our servers are asking the guests if they'd like to donate a dollar to save forty children. Each dollar saves forty children," said Micheal Cuffari, a Montana's Cookhouse Manager in Ottawa.

"It's very important for them, they need it to survive. We're getting bottled water and some people don't care about the kids that are drinking mud and diseased water."

March 22 was designated World Water Day in 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. The day is to raise awareness about the importance of preserving global water resources.

The TAP Project was first launched in 2007, and organizers say it has the potential to be the biggest project UNICEF has been involved with in 56 years.

Restaurants such as Swiss Chalet, Milestones, Montana's Cookhouse, Kelsey's and Harvey's will be participating in the project from Saturday, March 22 to Saturday, March 29.