LONGUEUIL, Que. - The leader of a popular political group in Quebec says he's closer to deciding whether to turn it into an official party.

Recent polls suggest that Francois Legault -- head of the Coalition for the Future of Quebec -- is currently the province's most popular politician.

And the former Parti Quebecois cabinet minister has been dropping strong hints that he could announce the new party by the end of the year.

The coalition's main argument is that Quebec should put aside constitutional squabbling to focus on more pressing economic problems.

Legault describes himself as slightly left wing on social issues, and slightly right wing on economic ones.

He's been touring Quebec to drum up support for his proposals on education, health care, the economy and culture.

Legault's surge in popularity comes at a time when the governing Liberals are mired in scandal and the Opposition Parti Quebecois is beset by infighting.