ST. JOHN'S, N.L. - A political scientist says the Newfoundland and Labrador election is shaping up to be more interesting than the last two landslides by former premier Danny Williams.

But Christopher Dunn of Memorial University isn't sure it's going to make much of a difference in the end.

Dunn says he has no doubt that the Progressive Conservatives under Kathy Dunderdale will win again, but it's a question of how many seats they will retain.

The Tories had 43 seats in the house of assembly when the writ was dropped, while the Liberals had four and the NDP one.

The parties have been dangling offers of everything from moose fencing along provincial highways to all-day kindergartens.

Dunn says it's been battle of ideas so far in the campaign and that means more choice for voters.

And he says he senses a hunger among voters for a viable Opposition after election night.