Ukrainian workers are joining the war effort by turning an old steel plant into a factory for tools to use against Russian troops.

CTV National News' National Affairs Correspondent Omar Sachedina visited the factory in Lviv, which formerly produced materials for the construction of residential houses before the war but is now being used to produce anti-tank obstacles.

The steel spikes on chains being built at the factory are used to block roadways and to puncture tires on Russian vehicles.

"The men to whom I've spoken here are saying that it is so important for them to be here to send a strong message to Vladimir Putin," Sachedina said.

The men are all volunteering their time, unable to flee with their families after Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky on Thursday banned men of military age from leaving the country.

Watch the full video with CTV National News' National Affairs Correspondent Omar Sachedina at the top of the article.