CFB TRENTON, Ont. -  The bodies of two Canadian soldiers killed in Afghanistan are to return home Wednesday.

The military plane carrying Master Cpl. Josh Roberts and Master Cpl. Erin Doyle will arrive at CFB Trenton, in eastern Ontario, in the early afternoon.

The plane will be met by family and dignitaries including Governor General Michaelle Jean, Minister of Defence Peter MacKay and Chief of Defence General Walter Natynczyk.

Both soldiers were members of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry.

Roberts was with the 2nd Battalion based in Shilo, Man., while Doyle was a member of the 3rd Battalion in Edmonton.

Doyle, who was known as the "Friendly Giant," was remembered as a seasoned soldier.

The 32-year-old, who was nearing the end of his third tour of duty in Afghanistan, was killed Sunday by insurgents at a small combat outpost in the Panjwaii district of Kandahar province.

He was the 90th Canadian soldier to die since the Afghan mission began in 2002.

The burly, 200-pound redhead was the kind of soldier who "stood out in a crowd," not just because of his size, said battle group commander Lt.-Col. Dave Corbould.

The Kamloops, B.C., native leaves behind his wife Nicole and daughter Zarine.

Roberts was killed Saturday during an operation in neighbouring Zhari district.

The crew commander with 9th platoon C Company was sitting in the turret of his armoured vehicle when he was shot during a skirmish with insurgents.

The circumstances surrounding the shooting death, however, are under investigation.

While Canadian and Afghan security forces were engaging a group of some 15 insurgents, it's believed a passing convoy guarded by private security may have also opened fire, accidentally killing Roberts.

The Saskatoon native leaves behind his fiancee Lise and his unborn son Meyer, who is due in a month - around the time Roberts likely would have been finishing his six-month tour.

Corbould said he had promoted Roberts just two weeks ago.

A reservist with the North Saskatchewan Regiment for 10 years, Roberts transferred to the regular forces in August 2006.