KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - The 90th Canadian soldier killed in the Afghan mission is on his way home.

Once again hundreds of soldiers lined the tarmac at Kandahar Airfield today to salute a comrade killed in battle.

This time it was the flag-draped casket of Master Cpl. Erin Doyle that was loaded onto a transport plane to begin the long journey home.

Known as the "Friendly Giant" among his peers, the burly red-head was remembered as a seasoned soldier with a great sense of humour.

A member of the 3rd battalion of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, Doyle was killed Monday when insurgents attacked his small command outpost in the Panjwaii district of Kandahar.

Doyle's ramp ceremony came just two days after soldiers gathered on the tarmac to say farewell to Master Cpl. Josh Roberts, killed in a firefight Saturday in neighbouring Zhari district.