BRIGHTON, Ont. -- What's a whimbrel?

An event May 20-21 at Presqu'ile Provincial Park, on Lake Ontario's north shore, will answer that question, explaining the differences between the large, long-billed shorebird and other species, such as warblers, you're likely to see at this time of year.

It's among several birding festivals at Ontario provincial parks coinciding with the spring migration.

The "Warblers and Whimbrels" weekend will include naturalist-guided walks and bird-banding demonstrations.

Presqu'ile's location, on a peninsula that juts into the lake near Brighton, about 160 kilometres east of Toronto, makes it "a bit of a magnet for migrating birds," says David Bree, an education leader at the park.

"It's just a great place to come and see lots and lots of different types of birds," he says in a video posted on the Ontario Parks blog.

Other migration events:

  • Festival of Flight, May 1-21, at Rondeau Provincial Park on Lake Erie near Blenheim, Ont.
  • Migration Weekend, May 20-22, at Pinery Provincial Park on Lake Huron northeast of Sarnia.
  • Huron Fringe Birding Festival, May 26-29 and June 1-4, at MacGregor Point Provincial Park on Lake Huron north of Kincardine.