A couple in Vancouver has no trouble remembering their anniversary. It falls at Halloween.

Trina Rundgren says that when she met her husband Shawn, it was their shared love for the ghoulish tradition that convinced her they “clicked.”

Since their wedding in Las Vegas 11 years ago, the Rundgrens have hosted a haunted house each year around the time of their anniversary.

It’s grown to include zombies, skulls and a shockingly realistic electric chair. There are also glow-in-the-dark rooms, strobe lights and a makeshift cemetery.

“Every year, we decorated a little bit more and then we started running out of space so we had to build space,” Trina said.

Year-round, the couple is always scanning the classifieds for the perfect props, whether it's a zombie head or another skull. 

The Rundgrens invite their neighbours and anyone else who is interested to come by the south Vancouver home to get spooked.

Although people can experience the haunted house for free, the couple is accepting donations for the local food bank and the BC SPCA.

With a report from CTV Vancouver’s Julie Nolin