It may not add up to a full "freshman 15," but studies consistently show that students can pack on 6.6+ lbs by the end of their first year of university and it's as much of an issue (or more!) for males as females.

There can be any combination of factors that contribute, but all fall under a few main categories:

  • Change of eating habits. Your quality and quantity of food changes and can make healthy eating a rare event.
  • Change of activity. Structured activities are left behind leaving being active -- or not -- entirely up to you!
  • Increased stress. No explanation necessary here!

The solution can be easier than you think! The small things we do habitually every day can truly make a dramatic difference.

Be proactive with balance:

  • Manage stress. Balance being responsible to your commitments, health and well-being and avoid last-minute cramming!
  • Get vitamin "S"! Sleep deprivation negatively impacts many areas of health including reducing your metabolism.
  • Take 5! Hunching over books and screens increases repetitive strain and decreases your metabolism. Break every hour. A few minutes moving or stretching dramatically reduces stress and risk of injury.
  • Hydrate. Add to your eight cups/day when your body is more stressed -- from exercise, workload, lack of sleep, processed foods or alcohol!

Get moving, stay moving!

  • Join the gym -- at school or ask about student discounts at local facilities.
  • Seek out social sports. Intramurals are a fun way to meet people.
  • Hit the stairs! Climbing stadium stairs is an amazing challenge, free and can leave you feeling like Rocky! Alternate with lunges, push-ups and dips to make it a total body workout.
  • Mini workouts. Just 5-10 minutes of activity regularly can significantly reduce risk of major health issues and once you start, it's easier to extend that time.
  • DIY boot camp! Campuses have great spaces with benches, stairs and grassy areas perfect for outdoor boot camps. Check the Web for ideas (credible sources) and gather some friends to make it a fun, healthy and positive option!

If your time or budget is tight, there are some great low cost options you can fit into your dorm room!

Fitness Under $40!

  • Bands – range from $10-25 and offer a total body workout
  • Foam rollers - $20-40; can be used for core, flexibility, posture, balance, strength
  • Gliders - $25; can be used for cardio, conditioning and core
  • Bender Balls - $20; are predominantly used for core but can assist with all conditioning
  • Skipping ropes - $10+; great cardio and calorie burn!
  • Fit disks - $20-30; used for balance, stability and core
  • Weighted Pilates balls - $6-15 and add resistance to Yoga and Pilates
  • Stability balls - $15-30; used for stability, core, cardio, a bench and can double as a chair!
  • DVD's - $15+; many are dance, Yoga or body weight workouts that can be done in small spaces
  • Fit Decks - $20-30; deck of exercises that come in a variety of themes (body weight, sports, plyometrics, sports, etc,) that make a game out of working out!

Links to look for equipment:

Take action now -- this could end up being added weight that haunts you long after you complete your degree and, believe me, it doesn't get any easier to lose!

Need ideas to get started? Take 2 washcloths, a little time and space and try our "Dorm room Workout" at