Going sleeveless in the summer can be intimidating. Get your arms in shape for summer with these three simple tips:

1. Focus on your posture

It may sound too simple, but standing up straight can immediately make you look like you've lost weight. Gravity and work can leave you looking like the weight of the world is resting on your shoulders. Driving, sitting at a desk and working on a computer end up tightening your chest and over stretching your back. That rounded posture certainly isn't flattering and can end up adding stress to your neck and low back.

Here are three simple tips:

  • Stand tall -- try to catch yourself slouching; get your friends or coworkers to be your posture police!
  • Reverse posture -- take breaks throughout the day and stretch in the opposite direction -- if you sit all day, stand; if you stand all day, sit; if you lean forward, stretch back
  • Work on balancing your posture -- stretch the chest and strengthen your back; try to include exercises that focus on the rhomboids and lats which pull back and down

2. Add resistance regularly

Don't be afraid of working your muscles! Doing resistance work will not make you big and bulky but will help you to maintain your metabolism, your muscle mass and that "toned" look that helps fight the effects of age and gravity!

There are lots of creative ways to do resistance training, so there's really are no excuses!

  • Weights -- you do have to lift heavier weights if you want to add muscle, but light weights can certainly help you to maintain what you have
  • Bands -- resistance bands are a great way to work muscles and can be used for so many different exercises; they're easy to use, safe, fun and effective for any fitness level
  • Gravity -- by increasing the effect of gravity, you can modify and add progressions to many exercises including push-ups, pull ups, triceps dips, biceps curls, triceps extensions, etc. (For example -- start with push-ups on a counter, then from a chair, then from the floor)
  • Stability – adding a stability challenge is like adding weight to an exercise (For example -- doing a push-up with one or both hands on a Bosu or water bottle increases the challenge)

Doing resistance training even twice a week for about 10 minutes each can help you maintain your muscle mass. Ideally, include exercises or activities (biking, walking up hill, tennis, swimming, etc.) that work your muscles 3-4 times a week for about 15-20 minutes.

3. Balance your exercise

Muscles function best when they are balanced. This helps you to avoid injuries and also contributes to good posture. So when you work one muscle group, spend equal time and focus on the opposite side.

When it comes to your arms, work both biceps and triceps along with both the front and back of the shoulders. We tend to do more activities during the day -- like lifting -- that work the front of the body, so when you're working out spend a bit more time on the back including some of the following:

  • Triceps dips
  • Triceps kickbacks
  • Rear delt flyes – bent over at a 45° so that you can lift focus on the back of the shoulder

You can also do exercises like push-ups that work the entire upper body and simply controlled the phases of the exercise. The concentric phase shortens the muscle group and the eccentric phase lengthens. Doing a narrow push-up slowly and controlled can help you engage more biceps and triceps throughout the entire range of motion.

Great exercises to include:

Push-up variations

  • Use gravity – from the counter, chair, knee or toe
  • Using stability – using a Bosu, hot water bottle or washcloth
  • hand positions – uneven position, wide, narrow

Wash cloth combos

  • "turtles"
  • Front and side reaches
  • Arms circles


  • Curls using bands or weights
  • Add variety with tempo and angles


  • Kickbacks and extensions
  • Add variety with tempo and angles


  • Focus on the back area - rear delt flyes

Cardio exercises that include arms

  • Rowing machines
  • Cross trainers/ellipticals with arm movement
  • Sport and recreation activities – tennis, swimming, basketball, etc.