Beatrize Mueller has been making gingerbread houses since 2015.

The baker from Innisfil won a Food Network competition in 2019, catching the attention of many, including Warner Brothers.

"They wanted somebody to make several, they told me several, gingerbread pieces for their movie," says Mueller.

Mueller says she had six weeks to complete six gingerbread houses. She recruited her daughter along with three sugar artists, calling themselves the "Gingerneers."

They worked 10-12 hours a day to finish the pieces in time for filming.

"It was long days, a lot of detail work because these pieces were very detailed. We only did the front and sides because of the time frame; we didn't finish the back," she says.

The pieces included a mosque and a train station, modelled after a station in Montreal where the movie was filmed.

"They sent us the script, and we had to follow the script and storylines. So I had one girl reading the script and constantly saying, okay we did this piece, okay next," adds Mueller.

Filming took place in May and June. Mueller spent the day on set to help things go smoothly, but they did have one small hiccup.

"As the camera went in, they broke the back of the piece, the sugar pieces so they had to film it on an angle," says Mueller.

Mueller has already watched the movie with her family, saying it was a dream come true.

"Oh my god yeah just seeing your name in the credits," she says.

The movie "A Gingerbread Christmas" is out now. Mueller says she would love to be involved in movies again in the future, but for now she will focus on her cake orders.