A ready-made, packaged salad is one of the go-to grocery store items for busy people. No time is wasted washing and chopping vegetables or mixing a salad dressing.

But how much more are you paying for that convenience? We looked at some grocery store staples and calculated the price difference.

A large Longo’s garden salad, which doesn’t include dressing and yields about six servings, is $12.99 on GroceryGateway.com, where you can conveniently do all your grocery shopping and have it delivered to your doorstep.

If you bought all the ingredients on GroceryGateway.com and made the same salad yourself, here’s how much it would cost:

Head of romaine lettuce:  $1.99 (or large iceberg lettuce: $2.49)

Pint of cherry tomatoes: 3.99

1 large pepper: $2.20

Large English cucumber: $1.99

Total: $10.17 (or $10.67 if you use iceberg lettuce)

Price difference: $2.32 -- $2.82 more for ready-made salad

Is paying a few bucks more to spend less time in the kitchen worth it? That’s for you to decide.