Prime Minister Stephen Harper will visit U.S. President Barack Obama at the White House next month ahead of the G20 Summit.

Officials made the announcement Friday and said the visit will take place on Sept. 16.

It will be Harper's first official visit to the White House since the Obama administration came to power.

A week after the meeting, Harper will head back to the United States to attend the G20 Summit in Pittsburgh.

"The prime minister has accepted an invitation from President Obama," Harper spokesman Dimitri Soudas said. "The two leaders are expected to discuss a range of issues, including the upcoming G20 Summit in Pittsburgh, co-operation on economic recovery and trade, climate change and energy, and security co-operation."

The two leaders are expected to start work towards building a harmonized system for reducing climate change.

One topic of disagreement could be the "Buy American" provisions that passed in Obama's stimulus package. The provisions threaten to block Canadian companies from partaking in potentially lucrative U.S. stimulus projects.

Obama visited Canada in February, his first foreign trip as president.