Scott Selland, mixologist and the owner of Acadia Restaurant and Bar in Toronto, offers a menu of beverages guaranteed to make your New Year's bash a hit.

Sparkling Cobbler


1 oz Lukusowa vodka
2 oz Two Oceans Sauvignon Blanc Brut
2 dashes Fee Brother's cranberry bitters
1/2 oz simple syrup
1/4 oz fresh lemon juice


Combine vodka, simple syrup, lemon juice and bitters in a mixing glass with ice

Shake lightly and strain into a champagne flute. Top with sparkling wine and garnish with dried cranberry.

Pomander Swizzle


5 clementine segments
1 oz clove syrup (recipe follows)
3/4 oz fresh lemon juice
5 drops citrus bitters (optional)
2 oz soda water


Muddle peeled Clementine with clove syrup and bitters.

Add lemon and shake hard with ice. Pour into Collins glass and top with soda water.

Garnish with clove studded Clementine segment.

Clove syrup


1/2 cup refined sugar
1/2 cup boiling water
1 Tbsp lightly crushed clove

Add sugar, boiling water and crushed clove in a heat-proof container. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Let sit for one hour and strain out clove. Refrigerate for up to one week.