The Nova Scotia man arrested after trying to flee the crime scene in a canoe earlier this week is the son of a provincial politician.

The Nova Scotia Progressive Conservative Caucus released a statement from MLA John Lohr Thursday:

"Our main priority is our son, and getting him the help and support he needs at this time. This is a private family matter and we respectfully ask for the time to deal with this issue through the mental health court program."

The 20-year-old suspect, Caleb John Lohr, was arrested after police were called after a break-and-enter at a home on Wednesday afternoon.

The caller told police the suspect was fleeing in a red canoe. Officers were about to pursue the man by boat, until he paddled ashore and officers made the arrest.

The red canoe and items taken in the robbery were all recovered.

The suspect was arraigned in court Thursday on charges of break and enter and possession of stolen property. He will appear in the mental health court on Nov. 27.