Canadian soldiers are leaving Saskatchewan after helping to fight wildfires in the northern part of the province.

With the majority of evacuation orders lifted and fire lines pushed back, most troops will be redeployed, Brig.-Gen Wayne Eyre said.

"I expect, by Tuesday, the vast majority of our troops will be redeployed or in the process of redeploying," he told reporters on Sunday.

For two weeks, soldiers helped double the number of boots on the ground, as they joined Canadian rangers, reservists, and firefighters on the front lines.

For the younger soldiers, as well as experienced veterans, working in Canada was "tremendously rewarding," Eyre said.

Saskatchewan Deputy Premier Don McMorris said residents of the province are grateful to have had the extra help.

"We're a proud people in Saskatchewan, we don't have to ask for help very often. But it sure is reassuring to know that the Armed Forces were there," he said.

But there are still more than 1,200 firefighters on the front line, as roughly 100 fires still burn. And even though the majority of the evacuees have returned home, more than 4,000 are still registered with the province to receive social support.

Tammy Cook-Searson, chief of the Lac La Ronge Indian band, said there are still lots of local people with experience that want to get out and fight the fires.

With a report from CTV Saskatoon's Sarah Plowman